Please find below the introduction to the current edition of the NS HyMaP Information Bulletin. If you would like a full copy of the Bulletin, please contact Jon at the e-mail address below
European Policy Solutions provides the Secretariat for the North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Community (NS HyMaP.) We welcome both news articles and opinion pieces. If you would like to submit a piece in future, please let us know at
[email protected] or [email protected]
IMPORTANT REMINDER Webinar: “Large Green Hydrogen Projects in the North Sea Region”: Tuesday 25 May 2020 The webinar begins at 2.30 CEST and features the NortH2 and AquaVentus projects plus FCH-JU support for large projects. Further details are found inside this Bulletin. The Registration link is
The NS HyMaP Hydrogen Bunkering and Transport Group had its first Meeting yesterday (20 May 2021.) The Group expressed the need to work across the North Sea Region on these issues, particular on the types of fuel use and the standards and regulations for using the hydrogen and it derivatives. A brief note of the meeting is in this Bulletin.
The Bulletin looks at progress in Horizon Europe which has been approved by the European Parliament but the European Commission has not yet issued its major 2021 call for projects. The Bulletin has featured many reports about hydrogen’s potential in energy transition. This edition examines the “Hydrogen4EU” study produced by Deloitte Finance, SINTEF and IPE Energies Nouvelles. The Report is optimistic but does stress that achieving net zero by 2050 represents a “formidable challenge.”
The last report in this Bulletin features a virtual workshop looking at the progress of the H2 Sips and the Implementation of Ship Hybridisation (ISHY) INTERREG projects. There are some interesting presentations in this meeting including the ambition of creating a Hydrogen Highway by NS HyMaP Member, the Port of London Authority. It also features a presentation on lowering the emissions of Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) in the North Sea.
The North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Community (NS HyMaP) is a new organisation formed to promote the use of hydrogen in the North Sea Ports and Maritime sectors. From 1 January 2021, NS HyMaP has become a membership-based Community. Our Members are drawn from ports, the hydrogen and maritime sectors, local and regional government, academia and consultancies. Mission Statement The North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Community (NS HyMaP) is a membership based association that promotes the increased use of hydrogen in the ports and maritime sector as an effective and efficient way of achieving climate neutrality in one of the EU’s most important maritime regions.”
The Fourth North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Conference will take place in Brussels on...
Read MoreNorth Sea Ports will play a key role in the developing hydrogen economy as producers,...
Read MoreThere is a full Agenda and list of speakers for the Fourth North Sea Hydrogen...
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