NS HyMaP Information Bulletin No 6 Published

Written on the 13th July, 2020


                                          INFORMATION BULLETIN No.6

                                                         13 July 2020

 This extract is the Introduction to the latest Information Bulletin.  If you would like to receive the full Bulletin – contact mailto: [email protected]

            About This Bulletin

This is the sixth NS HyMaP Information Bulletin.    A reminder that membership of NS HyMaP will be free until 31 August 2020 and we would like to develop other forms of communications such as a website, podcasts and webinars.  The Information Bulletin is published on a fortnightly basis.  This initial period will also allow us to begin discussions to make NS HyMaP a more permanent and influential organisation.

European Policy Solutions provides the Secretariat for NS HyMaP and we welcome both news articles and opinion pieces. If you would like to submit a piece in future,  please  let us know at [email protected]

The size of the Bulletin is increasing and this is the longest Bulletin we have produced.  This, of course, reflects the growing interest in hydrogen which can be seen in the recent publication of national hydrogen strategies and the a number of positive reports about the importance of hydrogen if we are to get to climate neutrality in terms of emissions.

The major development in the last fortnight has been the publication of the EU’s Strategy for Energy System Integration (See Item 4) and the long-awaited Hydrogen Strategy (see Item 5) from the European Commission on 8 July.  Hydrogen Europe has termed these publications as an “Historic Day for the Hydrogen Sector and the Beginning of a New Industrial Era.”   This may be a little exaggeration as the publication of a Hydrogen Strategy is only the beginning of a long implementation process.   The Chair of the UK Parliamentary Committee meeting the next day noted the fluctuating interest in hydrogen for a number of decades.   However, witnesses at the Committee from the hydrogen industry pointed out the crucial importance of hydrogen in the move to net zero emissions.

This Briefing begins with information about a Report carried out by NS HyMaP Member, DRIFT, for the Port of Rotterdam.  The Report, “An international perspective in hydrogen in the transition of the Port of Rotterdam”, looks at the role of Rotterdam as a hydrogen hub in the North Sea and north West Europe and the hydrogen leadership strategies that can be adapted by the port.

This is followed by an update in the activities of NS HyMaP including the publication of Member Updates and the formation of a Steering Group to develop the Community further.

The EU Energy System Integration Strategy is then outlined together with a brief description of the Commission’s proposals for the Fuel EU Maritime Initiative.  These proposals are very important for the North Sea maritime and ports sectors and details will be published towards the end of 2020.    This is followed by the all-important draft EU Hydrogen Strategy.  There have been significant changes to the Strategy since we previewed it in Information Bulletin No 5.

We then move onto possible funding opportunities.  First of all, there is a summary of green Airports and Green Ports Initiative which will be part of the Commission’s Green Deal Call for projects later this year – probably in September.  A Call that s taking place is the Innovation Fund First Call which opened for large projects over €7.5 million on 3 July 2020.  The Call is a two stage process with the first stage being an Expression of Interest.  This Call closes on 29 October 2020.

The Bulletin examines the aims and objectives of the German Government as it assumes the Presidency of the European Council and leads the debate on the Hydrogen Strategy in the Council.  We also examine the European and international aspects of the German National Hydrogen Strategy which the Government will promote as it holds the Council Presidency.

NS HyMap was involved in the organisation of the “Hydrogen Ports and Maritime: Opportunities and Activities” which took place on 8 July with speakers from NS HYMap members the Port of den Helder, PowerCell and the Center for Transportation and the Environment.

Lastly, there is a report about the Inquiry by a UK House of Commons Committee on the development of hydrogen in the UK.  The UK has sectoral strategies for hydrogen in heat and mobility but still does not have an integrated strategy.  The Inquiry is looking into the need for an integrated strategy in the UK.

Next publication dates:  3 August and early September 2020.

As many colleagues clear their desks at the end of July for the summer break, we will delay the next Bulletin for a week to cover late developments.  We will not publish in August but return in September.


“The North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Community (NS HyMaP) is a new organisation formed to promote the use of hydrogen in the North Sea Ports and Maritime sectors. It is currently an informal network developing an Information Exchange and Knowledge Platform. Our Members are drawn from ports, the hydrogen and maritime sectors, local and regional government, academia and consultancies.”




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