There is one week before the Third North Sea Hydrogen Ports and Maritime Conference takes place on 22 November 2022. The One Day Conference will examine the maritime hydrogen potential of the North Sea Region. It will be held in Scotland House, Brussels which is at Rond-Point Schuman 6 and right in the heart of the European Quarter.
The Conference will look at four policy areas:
The Conference will look at the use of both fuel cells and combustion engines in vessel design and at hydrogen and its derivatives in bunkering and transport.
There are a number of presentations from the European Commission and the new European Partnerships set up as public private partnerships. We begin with Bart Biebuyck, the Executive Director of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. This was formerly the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and Bart will outline the changes in the formation of the Clean Hydrogen Partership and its Work programme. He will be followed by Jaap Gebraad, the Executive Director of the newly formed EU Waterborne partnership. Its aim is to demonstrate zero-emission solutions for all main ship types and services before 2030.
Matthijs Soede is the Clean Hydrogen Mission Director for Mission Innovation. Matthijs is based in the European Commission and works closely with the EU Institutions and Clean Hydrogen Partnership. However, Mission innovation not only includes the EU but a wide variety of countries including the UK, Australia, United States and Japan.
Patrice Millet from DG Grow will outline the work of the Clean Hydrogen Alliance which supports the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030 by bringing together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. Its membership is taken from across the hydrogen value chain and it has created a pipeline of hydrogen projects and has formed a standardisation working group for hydrogen.
Marcos Gonzalez Alvarez is Deputy Head of Unit for Mobility in DG Climate Action. This is the DG that has taken the lead on the development and introduction of Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) where there are proposals to extend the scheme to the maritime sector. Receipts from the ETS fund the Innovation Fund.
There are still some places left at the Conference.
If you would like to come to the Conference then go to the European Policy Solutions website and click on the link to seminars. You can also contact Jon Jordan at +44 1259 781404
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