The seas and oceans in the European Union have a key role in the economic, leisure and cultural life of the EU. Shipping and fishing have been the traditional uses of the maritime area with shipping bringing goods in and out of the EU and fishing providing an important source of food. New activities such as oil and gas installations and the development of marine energy particularly offshore windfarms have added to the spatial pressures on EU seas. These activities have also led to growing environmental concerns about EU seas.
In response, the European Union has developed an Integrated Maritime Policy which stresses the need for spatial planning in marine areas which involves key stakeholders. Key Directives include the Marine Spatial Planning Directive (2008/56/EC) and the 2014 Directive establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning (2014/89/EU).
European Policy Solutions is very interested in the development of zero emission transport and energy applications in shipping, port and maritime activities. Some ports produce large amounts of renewable energy which can be stored as hydrogen and the used in a wide range of transport and energy applications turning ports and port regions into ‘hydrogen valleys.’
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